Monday, July 14, 2008

Tate Words II

My sister and her husband decided to answer the call for "Tate Words" with their own -- shall we say "interesting" -- entry. If you grew up in Grapevine, you would know that the Mayor for the last 20-something years is "William D. Tate." Thus, Nancy and Todd's contribution to my quest for Tate words is: 


What I like the best about this is Todd's fabulous PhotoShop work. I mean, who would know that this is just Mayor Tate's head superimposed on Tate's body? Beautiful work, Todd. Beautiful. 

In other news, all of this talk about "Naked Aunt Nancy" (see comments on previous posts) has me almost believing that my sister is truly a nudist. To set the record straight: my baby sister is actually a very sweet, married second grade teacher who just likes wearing cute tops without sleeves. So please, stop calling and trying to book her for your upcoming bachelor parties. 


Sarah said...

BAH...hahahahahahahaha. Love the picture. NAN, I used to teach second grade. I loooove that age!

Anonymous said...

I think the picture was pure genius. I also think Todd and I need a hobby. Maybe I should start my own blog.

I love second grade too! I taught third for 3 years and now second for 2 years. I love them because when you ask the class... "Do you know what a law is?" one child proudly nods and raises his hand. When I call on him he clears his throat and sings... 'la, la, la!"

KJ Druyvesteyn said... should start a blog FOR SURE! I, for one, would read it. Sounds like a good one.

The Robertson Family said...

Nancy -- if you and Todd do decide to get a hobby, I would not advise anything that involves PhotoShop or graphic design. I'm just sayin.

Jennifer said...

Mayor Tate is funny. Have you thought of "regurgiTATE"? I'd bet you could come up with a classy picture to go with that one. Feel free to use it in your blog and upcoming song.

Rebekah said...

Love it! NAN, you and your husband are a genius combo at photoshop.

Speaking of photoshop, I'm looking for a part-time job doing graphic design. Anyone know of anything? I need to work from home.

The Robertson Family said...

Jennifer -- Yes, I'm sure I have some good stuff for regurgiTATE...I will definitely use it in the future!! Gracias!!

Anonymous said...

Jenny... the pressure is on. You can't go out of town tomorrow morning without a new post, I think we would all fall apart for an entire weekend without anything to talk about! Oh yeah, it is probabally just pathetic me that has nothing else to do? Jennifer is right, I know you have regurgiTATE pictures. GET BUSY LADY!

Sarah said...

Attention: Jenny is out of town for the weekend and said we could all come over and swim in her pool and sleep in her bed.

Jennifer said...

I'll meet you at Jenny's in half an hour. I sleep and swim nude just like NAN - hope that's ok.

Jennifer said...

NAN - my husband actually could not go to sleep last night thinking of TATE words. Jenny - let me know if you run out of material and I'll put DaddyMan to work on it.

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

Fabulous. I'll bring the burgers for the pool party.

The Robertson Family said...

Oh good -- I am so glad you guys will be coming over. I thought y'all could use some entertainment, so I called this guy I learned about on Rebekah's blog and asked him to come out and put on a puppet show for you girls while you're swimming. He's really looking forward to it. Enjoy!!

Sarah said...

Thanks Jenny...I hope he brings three puppets.