Thursday, July 10, 2008

"Tate" Words

When we were in the hospital after Tate was born, Rob started a game of thinking of words with "Tate" in them: GraviTATE, agiTATE, get the picture. (hey, it can get boring in the hospital after a while, OK?). So now I am going to put all of those words to use by featuring one every time I have an appropriate picture. 

So, here is my first entry: 



pink is the new black said...

CUTE! Ok, is this your pool? I think I forgot that you have you have someone come clean it or do y'all do it yourselves? I think we would really love one someday when we move...just thinking in the way...gotta come to Graelyn's party so you can meet all our blogger friends...I need your new Flo-Mo address though, I still have Memphis...I've had your invite, rather Tate's invite for 2 weeks:)

The Robertson Family said...

Yep, that's our pool. I tried to photoshop all the weeds out of the background, but then it became one big blur. We did have someone come clean it (I called him my "pool boy"...always wanted to say I had a "pool boy"...but in reality he was like a 60-year-old former-surfer/hippie dude with long hair). Anyway, we just canceled that service a few weeks ago and Rob does it now. Which means I am afraid to swim in it...could be toxic! It's nice, but there are all the fears about having a pool with young 'uns around. Just sent you my address. Can't wait for Graelyn's party!

Jennifer said...

I don't know you, but I'm not a weird-o. I linked to you thru Sarah's blog.


Thanks to Naked Aunt Nancy, I now read your blog regularly. I love "Tate" words! Have you ever heard the kid song, "What kinda cat are you?" by Billy Jonas?

Same concept only with "cat" instead of "Tate". We hear it all the time on XM Kids and LOVE it! Very clever. Maybe you can get Sara to write a song like that for Tate - she has that kind of talent!

The Robertson Family said...

Jennifer -- Welcome to my blog! However, if you're only reading because of Naked Aunt Nancy pictures, I must inform you that this is a family blog and you will not find naked pictures on a regular basis. There are other Web sites for that kind of thing.

I just checked out the cat song -- love it! How fun! Yes, a Tate song must be done. :-)

Oh, and I've checked out your blog before, too...your adoption story is so sweet!

Rebekah said...

Jenny--please make a NAN post with pictures of her from your childhood. I would love it. Poor girl.

pink is the new black said...

Nancy unfortunately would HATE it...she had glasses...oh man...and she was Nancy Beth not just Nancy...see, Jenny and I go way back and I mean probably too far back...sad really...Graelyn's party should prove to be a disaster...especially with Dos Equis...poor Graelyn, she's going to see her pictures from her 1st birthday with all her mommy's drunk friends laughing and passed out on the floor and all the daddy's just looking around in confusion because they won't know how to clean everything up!

Anonymous said...

Hmmmm.... I received a seemingly innocent email from my sister tonight...she wanted me to send her some of my "goofy" childhood pictures, AND I QUOTE

"This is just for my own personal library. I don't plan to do anything with them. Promise."

I knew something had to be up AND I also knew I would find my answer on here. I may be a nudist, but you gals have to work for the pleasure of Nerd Bucket pics... they are priceless.
Lesson learned??? Don't trust JR!

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

NAN...did you really post that response at 12:08 a.m.? Gheesh--a nudist AND a late nighter? YOu are one crazy chick...

And I think that you should send JR a few pics. I would love it too. Can't you just take one for the team?

Jennifer said...

NAN - I'm thinking that is a perfect name for your very own blog. Clearly, you would begin with a strong readership and that is almost worth the effort of beginning. What do you say people? Let's all get behind Naked Aunt Nancy. She could offer help to all of those that began as typical nerds and blossomed into lovely nudists despite the social pressures of wearing clothing to places like Cheddars.

pink is the new black said...

Nancy careful...the pink is the new black as I'm sure you have figured out is Angie...I'm going to church tomorrow and my mom has HUNDREDS of pictures from our childhood...I feel CERTAIN there are a few pics of you in there...I mean, don't you remember Jenny's "rock star/dress up" birthday where we all dressed up like Madonna (pre Kaballah and Guy Ritchie)??? I know you're in there assured ladies that the pictures WILL indeed surface...sorry NB (as we oldies knew her) your cute NAN days are numbered...

Anonymous said...

12:08??? Did you know last night was a Friday night? Oh that is even more sad for me. I am the only one here without kids and I should have been out and wild... yet I am on the computer. I am a loser. Angie- I remember that party very well. If only you had the video to post. All of the older cool girls in Madonna/rock star fabulous outfits... then there is a little butterball in glasses dressed as LITTLE BO PEEP twirling around all the big girls. You all were rocking out and I was doing ballerina moves. I hear your warning Angie, but let me remind you... you and Jenny LOVED making videos. I am positive I could find some tapes to post of newscasts or a schick alcoholics commercial.

The Robertson Family said...

OMG, I had almost forgotten about that party (we rocked) and those videos (instant classics). We absolutely must find them. I'm on the case. I think they're at my parents' house. As I remember, one of our newscasts featured a story about a carload of nudists who had a wreck. (it was actually a bunch of naked Barbies who drove off the side of the bed in their Barbie Ferrari). NAN -- I'm sure that was your idea. We should have seen the warning signs early on...