Well, I don't quite know how to follow up Rob's
blog posts from the week...I finally finished clicking on all the links. Hilarious.
But I must say, I think he and and Mom were making it all up. (as background, they claim that the day after I left for a five-day business trip to Mexico, Tate woke up wheezing and was diagnosed with croup). Tate was nothing but a smiling, laughing, happy little Tater Tot tonight. He looks just like I left him, so I think they are just wimps who couldn't handle it and made up some story about "croup" and multiple doctor visits so everyone would feel sorry for them.
Actually, I can tell that he was sick, but he had some good care. I beat myself up all week about coming home...it was really difficult, and if several people/vendors hadn't also flown in to meet with us for the site visit, I would have come home. Sounds like I'm making a lot of excuses and justifications, huh? Trust me, I was a guilty mess the whole time...calling our travel office several times to check the availability of flights...reading about croup on my laptop....trying to reconfigure the schedule so I could leave a day earlier...and I'm still not sure I made the right decision. The only thing that made me feel better was knowing he was getting great care from his grandparents and Dad.
But in the end, Tate is fine, and he didn't slap me across the face when he saw me tonight. I've been teaching him to say "Thank you Mama Mia and Daddy" tonight. He had no trouble picking up that phrase.
Thank you Mama Mia and Daddy! Tate and I are both very lucky.
UPDATE: My Dad has posted a
video about the week. (If you haven't seen something like it before, adding subtitles to this Hitler scene from "Downfall" is kind of an internet trend lately.)