Tate likes walking with his walker.
A lot.
Tuesday, September 30, 2008
Sunday, September 28, 2008
The Funnel Cake vs The Funny Tate
In honor of the opening of the State Fair of Texas this weekend, I give you these shots of Tate and his first tastes of funnel cake. (these are actually at Grapefest a few weeks ago...we were just prepping his system for the fair).
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Cheese Pizza?
On Friday I told Tate's teacher that he is really not interested in baby food anymore and that she should feel free to give him small bites of the food that the older kids get. I told her that I give him things like small pieces of toast, small pieces of cheese, pasta, etc.
So Rob picked Tate up on Friday and brought home his little daily report card...in the "lunch" line where it usually says things like "4 oz of pureed peaches" or "rice cereal with mashed bananas" it said "slice of cheese pizza."
Slice of cheese pizza?!?
I guess I did say he could eat bread and cheese. But a "slice of cheese pizza?" Sheesh. He ate better than I did on Friday.
Wednesday, September 17, 2008
Tate Tricks
Tate is learning all kinds of new tricks...check out the video to see him:
1. Wave and clap
2. Climb stairs
3. Act like a teenager
1. Wave and clap
2. Climb stairs
3. Act like a teenager
Monday, September 1, 2008
A boy and his (grandparents') dog
Rob was in Oxford for the Ole Miss/Memphis game over Labor Day weekend, so Tate and I spent a lot of time at my parents' house. I was working a lot (handling my company's communications related to Gustav) so Tate got to par-tay with the g-parents. (see left)
I don't know why he is pants-less with a lampshade on his head and when I ask, the answer I get is "What happens at Grandma's, stays at Grandma's." Well OK then.
The highlight of the weekend for Tate was getting to chase my parents' dog Eddie. He started saying "dee-dee" every time Eddie came in sight. He also likes to pet Eddie, and by "pet" I mean grab his hair and pull real hard.
Well, many of you have heard me fretting over what to do about Tate pulling hair. (He was actually put in "time-out" at daycare for making the rounds and pulling the hair on all the other babies.)
So I leave Tate with Mom, Dad and Eddie and when I co
me back, the dog has no hair! My parents told me that Tate got his hands on Eddie, which I actually believed for a split second. Turns out he was just shaved. Whew.
Sidebar: The dog is named Eddie because that was Rob's favorite name for our baby -- no lie -- and so when Mom and Dad adopted a dog two months before Tate was born and asked for suggestions for his name, I quickly recommended "Eddie"...then, when Rob learned the dog's name was Eddie, he was very disappointed and said he had picked that name for the baby and was surprised that they somehow had the same name in mind. I just shrugged and said "Oh well, guess we can't use it now...."
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