In the last month we have had lots of family time. First we visited Mississippi to see the Robertson side of the family. I posted an album on Facebook, but am reposting a few here for posterity. Tate really loved his Poppy, whether it was...
getting rides in the wagon...
...helping him do some work on the porch...
or crossing wobbly bridges to get to him....
Tate thought his Poppy was great!
Then, this past weekend we went to the Arlington Historical Society's Front Street Festival which featured tours of a log cabin that belonged to my ancestors.
A family tree that was on the wall inside the cabin. My mom's and grandmother's names are on here.
I wonder if P.A. Watson had any idea this bunch of relatives would one day be hanging out on his porch.
A 7th Generation Watson.
From his grandfather in Mississippi to his great, great, great, great, great grandfather in Texas, Tate has been getting to know his roots!