Some updates on the Tater Tot and us...(for documentation sake):
1. He can fully communicate with us and has no trouble telling us exactly what he wants or how he feels, in words. The flip side is that he also fully understands everything we say and can repeat those things, in words.
2. He loves to dance and won't let anyone else dance until he tells them it's their "tuhn." He ends every dance with a little flourish (I MUST get it on tape) and then takes a bow. We never grow tired of this.
3. He has several imaginary pet dinosaurs, including a baby dinosaur that is usually in his pocket. He also often makes Rob go dinosaur hunting for a dinosaur-that-is-actually-a-globe in my parents' office. They tiptoe through the house and creep up on the dinosaur-that-is-actually-a-globe and then, once they touch it, Tate yells "Let's get outta here Daddy!" and they come running out. He never grows tired of this. (Note I didn't say "we" never grow tired of this.)
4. Speaking of my parents' office, yes, we are still here. We are in the process of buying a foreclosure, so it's taking a while. We were supposed to close last week and it got postponed, so we're now hoping to close this week. In the meantime, Tate has been able to spend a lot of time with Mia and Big Guy, and we have gotten a lot of assistance with taking care of him. We've been spoiled!
5. Oh, and I am now a telecommuter, working remotely and reporting into Memphis. I absolutely love it. I made the change in order to get back the two hours a day I was spending commuting, and also to have more flexibility and time to be home with Tate. I'm grateful to work for such a great company.
6. Because of the telecommuting arrangement, Rob has been doing a lot of the daycare dropoffs and pickups. I learned recently that he has Tate yell something new every day when he runs into his classroom. It started innocently enough with a loud "Hey Friends!" But since then Tate has appeared in the doorway yelling things such as "Waddup Homies!" and "Freedom!" and "Hola Amigos!" I am only documenting this so one day when Tate is in therapy the blame won't all be put on me.
So that's all...a new job, new house and newly independent almost-three year old. We're keeping busy!
And a few pictures...
Getting fingerprinted...
And then getting to sit in the police car...he loves police cars and when he saw one pull someone over one time he asked me why. I said "because they were driving too fast." He then said "Drive fast Mommy! Drive fast!!"