The holiday weekend started with lunch on Thursday with Great Aunt Kathy, who claims she was a "great Aunt" before she became a "Great Aunt." We agree.
Mama Mia and Mama June (not pictured) also joined us. No, that is not hair coming out of Tate's ear. He has a monkey on his back. No, not like that. An actual stuffed monkey. Oh, nevermind.
Aunt Nancy and Uncle Todd (not pictured) were there, too. This picture was taken minutes before the unfortunate flag incident in the ladies' restroom of Cheddar's.
After the aforementioned "incident," Tate was forced to go incognito with his own Secret Service agent.
The Dean family came over to swim on the Fourth of July. How cute is Henry?!?
This would be what we in the PR world call a "planned photo op."
Reenacting Iwo Jima. Or the moon landing. Or something patriotic.
Tate clapped for the first time on the Fourth of July. Here, he applauds the removal of that girly sunhat.
"Whoa. Don't move, Big Guy. I just heard a loud boom, and it didn't come from my diaper."
"Oh! Fireworks!" (Tate seemed to like them.)
We had a nice time at the Medinas' pool party on Saturday...
...except that they had Rock Band, which Rob and the 8-year-olds played over and over. Tate was Rob's biggest (and only) fan. Bless his heart, he still thinks his Dad is cool.
Okay, I know I don't know you but I'm a friend of Angie's and I like to stalk your blog. I'm not a weirdo--just a stay at home mom with not a whole lot of ambition during my son's naptime (despite laundry piling up and big dust bunnies).
First of all, you should know that Tate is ADORABLE! Secondly, you should know that "Aunt Nancy" looks naked in the picture at Cheddars. I guess that Cheddars will never be the same, eh?!
Hi KJ! Yes, you are very perceptive...we don't take "Aunt Nancy" out much because she tends to forget her clothes. Don't worry, we are planning an intervention soon.
Your Landon is such a cutie! It looks like our boys are pretty close in age. Tate was born on Oct. 24.
Yes they are! Landon was finally born on Aug. 22. I say finally b/c it was a LONG labor and a long day. Thank the Lord for the epidural--especially because he weighed a whopping 9.1--and the kid has a big head. Yowza.
OK, KJ stole my comment about Naked Aunt Nancy.
In other news, I am glad to hear that your adorable Tate is just now crawling because Mary was born Dec 17 and isn't interested in any movement except rolling and even though I have 2 other kids and should know when kids start crawling because, for goodness sake I have been a mom for 6 years, I was getting nervous. Whew.
Yeah for my friends! Y'all don't even know each other and y'all are blogging and Kim definitely stole the naked Aunt Nancy thing from me too...although in MY family, a naked aunt Nancy wouldn't be all that weird...and you girls have heard my aunt Nancy stories so you know...bless Jenny, she KNOWS my aunt Nancy...yikes! And Landon and Tate should get together...they would seriously crush some folks as linebackers for the Cowboys someday!
Hey Rebekah! I'm just here to make you feel better girl because my TEN, YES--TEN month old still isn't interested in crawling either. You may want to refer to the "overrated" post on my blog--that was when he was 9 months or so. Now, at 10 1/2 months, he's no better. I tried to coax him the other day to get him to a plate of Cheerios but he just threw himself on the floor and bawled.
And Jenny, everyone loves a big boy. I don't know how big Tate is...but at 10 1/2 months, he's 25 lbs. or so. The first thing out of every stranger's mouth is "Wow, he's a BIG boy." Yep.
Angie, shame on you for suggesting that Landon will play football. That is one sport that scares the CRAP out of me if he were to play it. Okay, little league is cool...but high school or college? N O (that is for emphasis). He can play basketball, baseball, soccer, even golf (although how boring to watch)...but no football.
Thank you to those of you that NOTICED my nudity. My own family could not see my cry for help. Up until now I'VE been the "baby" of the family. Then along came Tate and all of a sudden I'm not the center of attention. I thought showing up naked would surely do the trick, but NOOOOOO, it was just, "Look at the cute baby in that naked lady's lap!" Hmph.
NAN--I am hoping that you either 1. typed your comment standing up OR 2. put a towel down on your chair before sitting down naked to type
Just sayin....I'm not sitting on furniture at your house. :)
The truth is that she met up with us during her lunch break from work and just didn't have time to get dressed before heading over to Cheddar's. (she paid for her lunch in one dollar bills, I'm just saying...)
Hello!! Did anyone check out the pictures of Tito the Bandito!?! Who does that!?!? I love the placemat that you ruined just to prove a point. Funny stuff.
Hello!! Did anyone check out the pictures of Tito the Bandito!?! Who does that!?!? I love the placemat that you ruined just to prove a point. Funny stuff.
Ooops...posted twice. Darn laptop sticky buttons.
Sarah--WTH are you talking about? Frito Bandito? Huh???
Click on the spot where she says "pictures have been surfacing on the internet of Tate celebrating a Mexican holiday..." and it will take you to another blog she has where she features some funny pictures, people!!
OMG! I'm SO GLAD I clicked on the link! I laughed so hard! Wait... I was ROFLMAO.
Shut up about Tito the Bandito. That was stinkin' hilarious.
Sarah--you are going to have to go on vacation some other time so that you can be at Grae's party to meet JR (that's Jenny Robertson for Kim).
OK, haven't checked this post in a while because, well the pictures are fairly long...sorry girls...yes, Tito is freakin' hilarious and I MUST say that Jenny, you have too much time on your hands there my friend...not to say that you aren't busy because I mean, Tate is stinkin' adorable...anyway...hilarious none the less...on another note...did anyone figure out that Jenny has another sister? Yes, her name is Brooke and if you think NAN is crazy, you should meet Brooke...she's the true wild child...oh yes and speaking of pictures I KNOW I have some pictures of Brooke that anyone would hate to surface...
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