Saturday, November 22, 2008

"That Mom"

I was "That Mom" today. You know, the one who is standing in the grocery store line with her kid and he starts screaming because he wants something and you won't let him have it and then the screams get louder and so you just grab it and buy it real quick to make him be quiet while all the other non-Moms around you (whom you were just like only a year ago) are thinking "tsk, tsk" in their heads but all you can think is "thank gawd he's not screaming anymore."  Yes, that was me today. Tate now has a Hannah Montana balloon. 


By God's Design said...

We are cracking up this morning! Thanks for some Saturday humor.

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

Well, we went to the TCU football game today and I was "that mom" as well. I was giving Landon food, his pacifier, and letting him climb up and down the steps all to keep the peace. I had a mom sitting there looking at me giving me the "you should know better eye" and I wanted to smack her.

Later, I passed a teenager criticizing another mom who had her child on a kid leash. Now, I'm not passing judgement and I'm certainly not going to say "I would never." I will say that "I probably won't" but you never know. The teen was saying "if you can't control your kid, don't have 'em". I wanted to smack her too...and I would LOVE to see her in about 10 years and see how she's coping with her own darlings. Some days you do what you have to and it might come in the form of a Hanna Montana balloon.

Rebekah said...

LOVE IT! Almost peed my pants laughing. Thanks Jenny!

pink is the new black said...

yeah!!! I love that! I know I've done that...but mostly I just bribe good behavior with dumdum suckers...they are God's gift (although sticky) to moms...seriously...I"m THAT mom:) Thank you, thank you very much!

Sarah said...

I cannot remember purchasing anything for Margaret during a fit-throwing...but I can tell you I've spent like 20 minutes in an asile letting her try on hats until she was content that she'd worn them all b/c everytime I tried to walk away from the hats she screamed. I also know that we keep a HEAFTY supply of snacks and stickers in mommy's purse as bribes for store time. The one time we forgot, we opened a bag of Goldfish and started chowing down mid-shopping trip. We paid for the half-empty bag at checkout.

pink is the new black said...

I've paid for MANY a half empty bag of goldfish, animal crackers, cheezits, cereals of all kinds...yeah, you get the shame in a Hannah Montana balloon Tate, no shame...he's got good I'm just DYING to know about the are you liking it...wait, I mean LOVING it!??

The Robertson Family said...

So, the crazy hannah montana balloon is the best $3.99 I ever spent...It is still floating and Tate is still obsessed with it! He walks all around the house with it. He even took a bath with it tonight. I am not making this up. I couldn't pry it from his fingers so I just plopped him into the tub while he was still holding it. He looked up at it the whole time, which made washing his hair very easy! Forget fancy toys -- this kid just needs a balloon to keep him happy!! Or maybe it's Hannah Montana's smiling face?

Rebekah said...

I cannot believe that he took it in the bath with him. That is hilarious. I hope you get a picture with him and the balloon.