Sunday, May 22, 2011


Lily Jane has a doppelganger in Huggums, my childhood doll:

Huggums was given to me by my aunt Trisha when I was a newborn, and somewhere there exists a picture very similar to this one of me with Huggums. Linda made the adorable matching gowns for the two (and there are matching caps as well, but then we'd miss the fabulous hair!), and I love how similar they look in them -- from the round cheeks to the rosebud mouths to the monkey hair.  So sweet!


Rob said...

Miss Huggums is also really creepy. *shudder*

Pink Peppermint Paper said...

Gonna have to agree w/ Rob on this one.

mama mia said...

Miss Huggums has loved and been loved for many years. If you knew what all toddler-Jenny put that poor doll through, you'd be more understanding of Miss Huggum's hair standing on its ends!
I will take sweet Miss Huggums and have her damaged hair styled and we will schedule a photo do-over.
Stay tuned...

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

Agreed. Huggums is CREEPY. Seriously. It's almost grounds to call CPS.

The Robertson Family said...

Huggums is going to pay all of you a visit in the middle of the night. You've been warned...

posthelgason said...

Awww - don't be Huggums haters. She can't help that she has hair like the poor unfortunate patient in the game "Opeation". But her outfit is adorable!! Love LOVE Linda :)