Tuesday, June 2, 2009

Tate Words

All of our recent pictures of Tate have him looking very pensive and thoughtful. And so our newest Tate word (for which I had to look up the definition because I didn't trust Rob) is...



Rob said...

You should always trust Rob. He's smart. BTW, who took those two pictures at the top? They're really good.

pink is the new black said...

the 2nd picture w/the blue background is your DAD'S LOOK!!! AGGHH!!! Scary!

The Binghams said...

Tate should be holding up numbers in the second picture. It looks a bit like a mug shot. He looks pensive about the time he is going to have to do.

emjay said...

Him's precious!!!!!!!!!

the mama said...

so precious...but that last one is less pensive, more "yeah, I just ate sand. but I am so damn cute what are you going to do about it?"

KJ Druyvesteyn said...

I love your blog. It's entertaining yet informative. I done learned a new word today.