We had one mission today: To get a good picture of Tate to use on our Christmas cards.
We tried Santa first...

Hmmm. Not so much.
So then we went over to my parents' house which is always nicely decorated for the holidays. Tate proved to be a temperamental model...first, his vanity got in the way:
"Once you're done with my hair, hon, do you think you could grab the makeup lady and let's get this show on the road?!? And where's catering? Catering!!?! Sheesh. You just can't find good help anymore..."
"Are you sure this is my best side? I really don't think it is..."
"I mean, come on...this side is really much better, dontcha think?"
Then he started hitting on the other models...
"Hey baby. Can I call you Ginger? You come here often? Your legs must be tired because you've been 'run, run, running as fast as you can' through my mind all day."
"I swear I didn't know you two were a pair, buddy! I'm sorry, I'm sorry! Please stop kicking my butt!"
So yeah. No picture today. We'll try again tomorrow....
Just too clever. I love all of them.
it is just too sad that the poor child has no personality :)
I wish you were creative and funny, Jenny. I am tired of your old boring posts. ...yawn....
I just added a gingerbread pickup line to the post...it came to me in church. Hehe. Oh, and I just have to point out since my sister asked -- I did NOT pose the gingerbread man like that, with his foot on Tate's behind. Tate pitched a fit and threw himself forward onto the floor and the foot somehow landed like that. I swear. I didn't even realize it until we were home and looking at the pictures. It cracked me up.
:c) Okay, so last year we tried to take a family picture with Margaret and the dog...imagine that. So, we ended up "shrinking" four pictures and arranging them on one 4X6 sized photo. We labeled each smaller picture "good one of Jeremy", "good one of Sarah", "good one of Margaret." I'm just saying...this may be an option if you don't ever get a good one of Tate.
BTW, I read your "hair and make-up" caption with a Millionaire-from-Gilligan's Island voice in my head. It fits.
I love your stories-through-pictures.
Fabulous. Simply fabulous.
And Tate....so STINKIN' cute!
You're supposed to invest in a bottle of wine for each kid, don't you know. Christmas card picture night sucks!
Seriously Jenny, you just AREN'T funny anymore! MAN! Yeah, so y'all are MUCH better than me at pictures...we're doing "Valentine's Day" cards so look for them...seriously...pictures on Dec.27th...we'll have red on, makes sense? See, y'all will have the real reason but most everyone else will think its cleaver and "what a cute idea"! I know....
These are too cute! I can't believe how big he is!!
Tate is soooo cute. will that boy have any normal pictures of himself. I think that when ya'll get old and put in a home he will dress both of you up funny to get even. without you seeing me I wrote the phone number of CPS on his binky. Ya'll need another kid FAST! Good luck Tate!
uncle buck
Yeah, be careful Robertsons. My kids dressed me up funny and.....oh wait. This is how I always look. How sad.
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